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Solutions Intermediate Student's Book Answer Key Download: How to Ace Your Exams


The TA office is located in 122 SWKT. The names and contact information for each TA are listed above. Here are some guidelines for working with the TAs during office hours (many suggested by students in past course evaluations):Come to the TAs with specific questions, having already worked on the problems.Do not ask TAs to re-teach a missed lecture or lab. Instead, get a copy of the notes from another student, look at the slides, read the book, and then ask the TAs questions about things you do not understand.Do not monopolize a TA's time (> 10 minutes) during office hours if there are other students waiting.Do not ask TAs to explain the whole assignment.Do not ask, "Is this answer right?" Instead, ask how to solve problems.If you want to ask, "I don't know where to start this problem," do not ask that on Thursday morning.

Solutions Intermediate Student's Book Answer Key Download

The required text for the course is: James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson. 2015. Introduction to Econometrics, 3rd edition update. Boston: Pearson. ISBN: 9780133486872.We use this book because it is the least technical textbook that covers the material of the class. The 3rd edition has some improvements over the 2nd edition, and rearranges some of the material. The 3rd updated edition has updated problems and data. You could probably get away with using a 3rd edition if you did not mind consulting a classmate's textbook when necessary. There is an international edition, which has different questions and problems at the end of each chapter. If you used this, you would need to check every problem against the 3rd updated edition.The book has a web site whereyou can download data sets and replication files here: Stockand Watson Student Resources. There are two optional textbooks:Larry Gonick and Woollcott Smith. 1993. The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. New York: Harper Perennial. ISBN: 9780062731029.Alan C. Acock. A Gentle Introduction to Stata, 5th edition. College Station, TX: Stata Press. ISBN: 9781597181853.Students often ask me for a suggestion of what to read to get ready for 328, especially if it has been a while since they have taken 200. Gonick and Smith is the book I recommend. It reviews the material in 200, and previews some of the material in 328. It does so in an easily digestible format (cartoons), and it is a quick read (for a statistics book). It is also relatively cheap.In 328, we use the statistical program Stata extensively. The Acock book covers much of the same material as Stock and Watson, though it emphasizes Stata commands over statistical cooncepts. However, it integrates the material with how to run any particular model in Stata. The TA lab sessions will also explain how to implement different models in Stata, but if you want an independent source of information on how to use Stata in context of 328, this is an excellent book.There will be other readings available through Learning Suite.

A colleague (Mitch Sanders, former professor at Notre Dame) has already explicated these issues specifically for political science. Please read here.In this class, you need to acknowledge the contributions of others toward yourassignments. I have taken the following guidelines from MIT's UnifiedEngineering class.I have changed and added various words where appropriate:"The fundamental principle of academic integrity is that you must fairly represent the source of the intellectual content of the work you submit for credit. In the context of [Poli 328], this means that if you consult other sources (such as fellow students, TA's, faculty, literature) in the process of completing homework [(or Stata codes)], you must acknowledge the sources in any way that reflects true ownership of the ideas and methods you used." "Doing homework helps to engage with the concepts and material taught in class on a deeper level. To enhance the learning process we strongly suggest that you first try to solve the problems by yourself and then discuss challenges in groups or in office hours if necessary. Discussion among students and in office hours to digest the material and the homework problems or to prepare for [exams] is considered useful in the educational process. COLLABORATION ON HOMEWORK IS ALLOWED UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED AS LONG AS ALL REFERENCES (BOTH LITERATURE AND PEOPLE) USED ARE NAMED CLEARLY AT THE END OF THE ASSIGNMENT. Word-by-word copies of someone else's solution or parts of a solution handed in for credit will be considered cheating unless there is a reference to the source for any part of the work which was copied verbatim. FAILURE TO CITE OTHER STUDENT'S CONTRIBUTION TO YOUR HOMEWORK SOLUTION WILL BE CONSIDERED CHEATING." "Study Group Guidelines" "Study groups are considered an educationally beneficial activity. However, at the end of each problem on which you collaborated with other students you must cite the students and the interaction. The purpose of this is to acknowledge their contribution to your work. Some examples follow: You discuss concepts, approaches and methods that could be applied to a homework problem before either of you start your written solution. This process is encouraged. You are not required to make a written acknowledgment of this type of interaction. After working on a problem independently, you compare answers with another student, which confirms your solution. You must acknowledgethat the other student's solution was used to check your own. No credit will be lost due to this comparison if the acknowledgment is made.After working on a problem independently, you compare answers with another student, which alerts you to an error in your own work. You must state at the end of the problem that you corrected your error on the basis of checking answers with the other student. No credit will be lost due to this comparison if the acknowledgment is made, and no direct copying of the correct solution is involved. You and another student work through a problem together, exchanging ideas as the solution progresses. Each of you must state at the end of the problem that you worked jointly. No credit will be lost due to this cooperation if the acknowledgment is made. [You must still write up yoursolutions individually, not jointly.]You copy all or part of a solution from a reference such as a textbook. You must cite the reference. Partial credit will be given, since there is some educational value in reading and understanding the solution. However, this practice is strongly discouraged, and should be used only when you are unable to solve the problem without assistance. You copy verbatim all or part of a solution from another student. This process is not considered academically dishonest if the acknowledgement is made. However, you will receive no credit for verbatim copying from another student as you have not made any intellectual contribution to the work you are both submitting for credit. VERBATIM COPYING OF ANY MATERIAL WHICH YOU SUBMIT FOR CREDIT WITHOUT REFERENCE TO THE SOURCE IS CONSIDERED TO BE ACADEMICALLY DISHONEST."Unfortunately, some students still profess ignorance of or attempt to find loopholes in the previous guidelines. As a result ofsad experience, I repeat the following guidelines and add clarifications:You may work together on the weekly assignments in groups of two or at most three, but you must write up your answers separately. (Three means you and two other students.) Starting with a group document and then giving copies of that document to members of the group is not writing up answers separately, even if individuals make various changes to the original document. You muststart with separate, individual answers.If you find yourself emailing or copying files having to dowith weekly assignments, you are violating this policy. If a group isworking on a single computer to conduct analyses, which are then recorded and shared, then the group is violating this policy. If you work together on onecomputer, then you need to wait until you have separate computers to write up youranswers. The first time Isee group work turned in as individual work (even with "worked with" citations), I willtake the number of points earned and divide it by the number of people in the group. The next time, the penalty will be -100% (note: not 0, but -100%). You will not be able to drop any scores where a plagiarism penalty is applied.The weekly assignments and take-home exams are "open book" and "open notes." However, you may not make use of answer keys or graded assignments provided by students from previous years for either homeworks or in-class assignments. There is a "student solutions manuals" for Stock and Watson that has answersto odd-numbered exercises. You may use it provided you followthe citation guidelines discussed above (for which you only get partial credit). As with mosttextbooks, there is an "instructor solutions manual." (It has answers to all problems.) You may not use this. Like most things, you can find a copy of it on the internet, perhaps by sending money by PayPal to something equivalent to an essay mill, or downloading from some BitTorrent site, etc. If you find yourself searching for something like "Stock and Watson instructor solution manual," then you are well on your way to violating the Honor Code. If you have used this, I will refer you to the Honor Code Office.A good shorthand for violating the Honor Code is knowing something is wrong and doingit anyway. Anytime I find a student attempting to deceive me in any way, I will refer thatstudent to the Honor Code Office.If you have any questions about these guidelines, please ask me. Do not attempt toexploit loopholes.I have placed an examples of how to write up homework, including examples of citingwork with others, on Learning Suite here (blank example) and here (filled-in examples). 2ff7e9595c

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